September 26, 2016

Using Raspberry pi without a separate Monitor #2

I hope we have done the initial setup in our pi (Ref. #1)

Remember our pi is a computer, which can be operated by connecting it to the Monitor, Keyboard and a Mouse.

Usually the monitors will have HDMI port or VGA port
but our pi is equipped with HDMI port. If you monitor is VGA ported then use the HDMI to VGA converted as shown below

The true purpose of making the computer in miniature size is to encourage portability, so learning different methods will give us a use it in different possibilities.

So here is our topic "Using Raspberry pi without a separate Monitor"

Step1: Using your memory card reader; open your pi's Harddisk/SD card

Step2: Inside the "boot" drive you can find file named "cmdline". you can just open it

Step3: There you can find some config. statements in a single line. Press "end" , give a space and type this "ip="  (without double quotation)

Remember the ip address what i have mention is for example (you can mention the ip address of your own)

Step4: Reinsert the configured SD Card in your pi

Step5: There are many softwares to interlink Raspberry pi and our laptop/pc. But i find the software name "putty" is the better one among them
you can download the "putty" software in this link

Step6: Install putty in your PC/Laptop. Configure  your laptop's ip address for example if your ip address as shown above(Ref. Step3) then your laptops ip may be like this or some other, but the first 3 sections of address should be the same "192.168.0.XXX"

Step7: Power up your pi, use Ethernet cable to connect raspberry pi and your laptop

Step8: Open putty software that you have installed; there you can find session tap in that type you pi's ip to call it as shown below

then, go to SSH tap and find X11.. in that you have to enable X11 forwarding

once you done these you can click open button below -
Raspberry pi's terminal window appears and asks for user name and password

 username >> pi
 password >> raspberry
(default user name and password for all pi)


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