September 26, 2016

Setting your Raspberry pi # 1

Now a days everyone have been talking about IoT (Internet of Things). 
of-course its true IoT is the tech, which changing our world slowly.

Are you willing to be part of it?
then, let's start our journey with Raspberry Pi.

First, get a Raspberry pi of your own 
the best choice is Raspberry pi 3 which comes with in-built WIFI

Before getting to work with Raspberry pi, we need to configure and setup certain things.

for that you need to download these 

1. Raspberry pi OS (Raspbian)

2. To format the SD card (SD Formatter)

3. To install the OS(Win32 Disk Imager)

Raspberry pi is a mini computer and its SD card is a Hard disk. So we need to install the Raspbian OS in it.

Step1: Use the SD card reader to format and install the OS. It will be much better, if  the memory card or HDD is of 8 GB or more.

Step2: Now run the SD Formatter and format the SD card (which is going to be the hard disk of our Raspberry pi)

Step3;  Run the Win32 Disk Imager (this is the software, which is going to be responsible for OS installation); So fetch/browse the downloaded Raspbian OS from your downloaded folder to this software;  (Remember, the Raspbian OS is a .iso file)

Step4:  Make sure your card reader is ready. Now run the Win32 Disk imager. it will automatically install the OS into our pi. (remember this process may take atleast 30 minutes)

After completion, reinsert the SD card in your pi.

                               Now your pi is ready for action!!!!

for any doubts kindly post your queries....


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