Hai everybody....long time no see...
Let's begin the topic of connecting our Raspberrypi to Internet
Let's cook some IoT
Here is a easy way to connect your raspberry pi with Internet; also say it as IoT
Now let's get started with thingspeak.....(opensource- free tool )
Step 1: Install these packages to start your first IoT
~ thingspeak
~ psutil package : it is a cross-platform library for retrieving information onrunning processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network) - install this only if needed
just type these in to your terminal
sudo pip install thingspeak
<when it is done installing, go on with the below>
sudo pip install psutil
Step 2: After Installing this you need to setup thinkspeak
so visit the thingspeak website https://thingspeak.com and sign up
then get started by creating a New channel
Name your channel such as "MyfirstIoT" or something
select the number of fields you needed ; for example i need to create a program to note distance measured from ultrasonic sensor.
In-order to store the distance only one field is enough as shown below, which you can rename it as you wish
also you can find the Make Public option, which you have to enable it, (to make it seen by everyone)
finally save the channel
the below image is the confirmation window that your channel is set
Here you should make a note of Channel ID (Highlighted)
And open the API Keys
Note down the Write API as shown
import time #Importing time modules
TRIG = 23 # Assigning a pin no. for Trigger
ECHO = 24 # Assigning a pin no. for Echo
GPIO.setup(TRIG,GPIO.OUT) # Setting up a trigger pin
GPIO.setup(ECHO,GPIO.IN) # Setting up a echo pin
GPIO.output(TRIG, False)
print "Waiting For Sensor To Settle"
time.sleep(2) # Wait for 2 seconds
while(True): # Start a loop to process this continuously
GPIO.output(TRIG, True) # Start a trigger
time.sleep(0.00001) # To make the trigger i frequency
GPIO.output(TRIG, False) # Stop a trigger
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0: # loop to check the status of echo pin
pulse_start = time.time() # Note the initial pulse release time
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==1: # loop to check the status of echo pin again
pulse_end = time.time() # Note the final pulse reach time
pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start # finding the travel time of a pulse by taking difference
distance = pulse_duration*17150 # calculating distance
distance = round(distance, 2) # rounding off
print "Distance:",distance,"cm" # printing Output
Let's begin the topic of connecting our Raspberrypi to Internet
Let's cook some IoT
Here is a easy way to connect your raspberry pi with Internet; also say it as IoT
Now let's get started with thingspeak.....(opensource- free tool )
Step 1: Install these packages to start your first IoT
~ thingspeak
~ psutil package : it is a cross-platform library for retrieving information onrunning processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network) - install this only if needed
just type these in to your terminal
sudo pip install thingspeak
<when it is done installing, go on with the below>
sudo pip install psutil
Step 2: After Installing this you need to setup thinkspeak
so visit the thingspeak website https://thingspeak.com and sign up
then get started by creating a New channel
Name your channel such as "MyfirstIoT" or something
select the number of fields you needed ; for example i need to create a program to note distance measured from ultrasonic sensor.
In-order to store the distance only one field is enough as shown below, which you can rename it as you wish
finally save the channel
the below image is the confirmation window that your channel is set
Here you should make a note of Channel ID (Highlighted)
And open the API Keys
Note down the Write API as shown
Step 3: After Making note of it, we can move on to programming again i.e same old ultrasonic we are taking about before but with some little modification
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #Imporing GPIO module
import subprocess #Importing Sub-process Modules, which will be discussed laterimport time #Importing time modules
import thingspeak # importing thingspeak libraries
channel_id = "190090"
write_key = "W0BY8W15LGUEEC0F" # Here i used mine, instead use your own channel id and API
channel = thingspeak.Channel(id=channel_id,write_key=write_key)
# Here the channel information and Write API is taken to proceed the process
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Setting up a mode of operation
TRIG = 23 # Assigning a pin no. for Trigger
ECHO = 24 # Assigning a pin no. for Echo
GPIO.setup(TRIG,GPIO.OUT) # Setting up a trigger pin
GPIO.setup(ECHO,GPIO.IN) # Setting up a echo pin
GPIO.output(TRIG, False)
print "Waiting For Sensor To Settle"
time.sleep(2) # Wait for 2 seconds
while(True): # Start a loop to process this continuously
GPIO.output(TRIG, True) # Start a trigger
time.sleep(0.00001) # To make the trigger i frequency
GPIO.output(TRIG, False) # Stop a trigger
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0: # loop to check the status of echo pin
pulse_start = time.time() # Note the initial pulse release time
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==1: # loop to check the status of echo pin again
pulse_end = time.time() # Note the final pulse reach time
pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start # finding the travel time of a pulse by taking difference
distance = pulse_duration*17150 # calculating distance
distance = round(distance, 2) # rounding off
print "Distance:",distance,"cm" # printing Output
time.sleep(1) # to avoid rapid changes...you can increase it if needed.
response = channel.update({distance})
print response
print "connection failed"
# Sometimes the channel may not be connected due to network traffic, or failed internet connections, Since the try-exception methodology is always recommended to be used with thingspeak interface programming as shown above. warning: be conscious about the intent space
Now, run this program and see the magic; open up your thingspeak anywhere in the world ..you can see your sensor data stored in there......
you can find more examples here.
try everything
for any doubts comment me...
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